Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Killing of a blog

Killing of a blog
Well people, I've been having so much problems with my blog and blogspot that I've decided to end this blog and blogging. I can't post a comment on my own blog or on Legio and I've tried many ways to fix it. If anyone has any tips or ways to fix this, please let me know. It's frustrating not being able to post or reply to blogs.
This will be my final posting, till I can fix this problem...



Ivan Ng said...

Ok, I fixed my blog and now I can post comments on my blog. Next on the list is to fix posting on other blogs.

Vuel said...

what happened to your previous posts?

Grimfang said...

so, does this mean you'll continue to blog?

Ivan Ng said...

I hope so. Been trying to post stuff up but couldn't. Now slowly I'm getting things back in shape and Jeff is helping me out. Hopefully order will be restored and I can blog peacefully again :)

deathkorps said...

Hey Ivan, I think the problems have worked themselves out. Maybe the pop up comment setting was causing probs. The blog can now be customized again, and I've embedded comments in the message to eliminate the need for a popup. Work for you?

Ivan Ng said...

Jeff: Only way I can post a reply is to have the pop up style. Embedded won't work for me.